

What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Menu What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Introduction to Animal Communication LOGIN What is Interspecies Peace? Info with Various bits of media…

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What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Menu What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Introduction to Animal Communication LOGIN Heartfelt Connections Various bits of media…

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What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Menu What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Introduction to Animal Communication LOGIN Tuning in, Listening Various bits of media…

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What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Menu What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Introduction to Animal Communication LOGIN Intuition Various bits of media…

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What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Menu What is Interspecies Peace? 1. Sacred Space 2. Intuition 3. Tuning in, Listening 4. Heartfelt Connections Introduction to Animal Communication LOGIN Sacred Space Various bits of media…

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Autumn Gentle Cleanse

“Autumn shows how beautiful it is to let things go”, a natural transition time from the exuberance and heat of summer, the stressors of everyday life, an opportunity to enjoy a much-needed respite, calm the mind, cleanse the body, boost our resilience and enjoy the serenity of the changing season in the arms of nature with our gentle detox retreat at Under the Linden Tree.

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Interspecies Communication and Nature Reverence Retreat

There has never been a greater and more critical time to walk upon our Mother Earth ! An opportunity for humanity to awaken a deeper sense of interconnectedness with all living beings and the planet itself.
Spiritual traditions teach that everything in the universe is interconnected, our actions have consequences not just for ourselves but for the entire web of life…

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