A yoga re-treat. Exploring the Chakras

with Jenny Tonge

Our very brave instructor Jenny Tonge undertook this mini trial retreat among friends as part of the exploration of energetically suitable space to build our yoga platform. 

Exploring the chakras and grounding ourseleves with the earth as we rolled out mats and began our practice. All five participants applauded the space chosen and voiced their enthusiasm for a repeat experience. The trees the plants and the earth in granting us such such special moments lent their harmonious consent too.

Implementation of our yoga deck is on its way… 🙏   — promised Nilufer

Being called by Tinos for sacred connections – I cannot express fully my joy at being found by the island. Gratitude to friend Hugo who originally summoned me from conflict in the world to peace on the land. Meeting Nilufer in a windswept taverna on a late summer’s evening, I felt an immediate connection.  Practising meditation by the Linden tree I felt an extraordinary uprush of energy from the earth to root chakra as if I had been connected to a deep wisdom within.

The retreat came from universe’s desire to give; much like a child being born of life’s desire.

      Five people came together spontaneously – Irini, Sadik, Alev, Hugo, Margharita and me. We explored, laughed, danced, ate and philosophised. Freeing energy that is locked down – not just by an annoying virus – but also by routine, duty, responsibility, and work. Meeting together on an island that nourishes, uplifts, and bestows magical experiences. Dancing in the waves on an evening beach, eating in solemn embrace of the great Exombourgo; tuning in to the sounds of early evening birdsong in savasana. Swimming like dolphins in the waves – remember Irini?! Being healed. Finding connection with each other from the space of no expectation.

Our next retreat will be at the end of September – we will harness again respectfully the energy of the island – the wind – the clean air – the warmth to create an exploration of the breath – within and without. We will learn and practise pranayama – the ancient science of breath – with the light of modern sciences understanding of how each person can create their own bespoke breath practise to balance their bodies’ energies and health without pharmaceuticals. I cannot wait to see you there.

— Jenny

From our yogis

…a great and very timely surprise for me. I feel my body and mind working together even after a very short time in retreat with all kind souls and it gives me the courage to be the best version of myself.

— Alev

This wonderful yoga retreat was, for me, about learning to let your energy flow with wisdom and compassion

— Hugo