Shades of blue — Tranquility

Tinos reminds me to walk instead of run —to not equate the gift of immense energy  as calories to burn, but as a force to preserve and channel in the right moments

Greece was the country that I first visited in Europe. I was in my early teens when I got to travel with my Mom and brother along with my dear extended family to the tucked away island of Tinos. I am unfortunately not gifted with a photographic memory, so I’m certain that countless childhood memories have been long lost on me. However, I’ll always remember those precious days that I spent in Tinos as a child. I can still recall so vividly the breathtaking blue that engulfed the island and the peace of mind that the shades of blue brought me. There was nothing else to do on the island except enjoy nature and the wonderful company of the people around you. I don’t think that I have ever played so many rounds of UNO in my life. It was a simpler time in my life —being on an island with such tranquility with no noise except for the gusts of wind—being with family and friends who wanted nothing else from life than to be immersed in that reality and share those precious moments together.

I try to make it a point to go back to Tinos at least once a year— to be reminded of the natural pace at which life unfolds, away from all the must do’s, should do’s, could do’s — I’m able to understand what I truly need to be happy comes down to such basics.  Tinos isn’t like other cultural conquests that I have embarked on in the hopes of tasting novelty and widening my periphery— the intention is to simply be.  Tinos is the only place that has reminded me to walk instead of run—to not equate the gift of immense energy that I’ve been given in this lifetime as calories to burn, but as a force to preserve and channel in the right moments.

— Dan Be
photos & diary post